Category: References

  • A Neo-Pagan Filmography

    A Neo-Pagan Filmography

    An Annotated List of Recommended Viewing(Compiled 03/1989) Although this list is a long one, it could easily have been much longer. In fact, the hard part was deciding which of many good movies had to be left out, due to limitations of space. So I used a few rules to…

  • An Annotated Bibliography for Witchcraft

    An Annotated Bibliography for Witchcraft

    The Magic of Ancient Celtic Beliefs in a Contemporary Society The purpose of this listing is to help the novice sort out the reliable from the sensational in the wealth of material that is now available on Witchcraft. I have left out old historical treatises (records of the Inquisition and…

  • Toward a Celtic  Numerology

    Toward a Celtic Numerology

    ‘…I have been a word among letters.’–the Book of Taliesyn, VIII What’s in a word? Or a name? What special power resides in a word, connecting it so intimately to the very thing it symbolizes? Does each word or name have its own ‘vibration’, as is generally believed by those…

  • What Law Enforcement Agencies Need to Know about Witchcraft

    What Law Enforcement Agencies Need to Know about Witchcraft

    Below please find information on the modern religion of Witchcraft. After being the victims of hundreds of years of ‘bad press’, Witches are beginning to go public and to define themselves and their religion. We hope, by this endeavor, to counteract the tendency to associate psychotic events or Satanic rites…

  • A Pagan Carmina Gadelica

    A Pagan Carmina Gadelica

    The original Carmina Gadelica was a collection of Celtic folk prayers, charms, rituals, and omens. They were collected in the late 1800’s in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland by folklorist Alexander Carmichael and published in a six-volume set. Carmichael himself admits that many of these are Pagan in origin…