Home » A Pagan Carmina Gadelica » Lustration for Justice

Lustration for Justice

[for success in court, go by moonlight to a place where three streams
meet, fill hands with water and dip face, saying charm]

I am bathing my face
In the nine rays of moonlight,
As Rhiannon bathed her Son
     In the rich fermented milk.

Strength be in my heart,
Sense be in my head,
Dew of honey on my tongue,
     My breath as the incense.

Black is yonder house,
Blacker those therein;
I am the white swan,
     Rising above them.

All-seeing, all-hearing, all-knowing may the magic be,
To satisfy and to strengthen me;
Blind, deaf, and dumb, ever, ever be
     Those who condemn and mock me.

The tongue of Gwydion in my head,
The eloquence of Mabon in my speech;
The composure of Rhiannon falsely-accused
     Be mine in the presence of the multitude.

I will travel in the name of the Goddess,
In likeness of bull, in likeness of lion,
In likeness of eagle, in likeness of spirit:
     More victorious am I than all persons.