Category: Carmina Gadelica
The Beltane Blessing 2 (74)
Danu, thou mother of the gods,Bless our flocks and bearing kine;Hate nor scathe let not come near us,Drive from us the ways of the wicked. Keep thine eye every Day of the MoonOn the bearing kine and the pairing queys;On the Day of Mars, accompany us from hill to sea,Gather…
The Beltane Blessing (73)
Bless, O Threefold Goddess, Myself, my Coven, and my family, My pets, my plants, and all children of the Great Mother. On the fragrant plain, on the gay mountain sheiling, On the fragrant plain, on the gay mountain sheiling. Everything within my dwelling or in my possession, From Beltane Eve…
Rune of the Wild Magic
Give thou thine heart to the wild magic,To the Lord and the Lady of Nature,Beyond any consideration of this world. Do not covet large or small,Do not despise weakling or poor,Semblance of evil allow not near thee,Never give nor earn thou shame. The Ancient Harmonies are given thee,Understand them early…
Rune of the Procession
Valiant Nuada of the white sword,Who subdued the Firbolg of blood,For love of the Tribe, for pains of Danu’s children,Hold thy shield over us, protect us all, Hold thy shield over us, protect us all. Danu beloved! Mother of the Shining Ones,Shield, oh shield us, Lady of nobleness,And Brigit…
Nuada, The Victorious
Thou Nuada the victorious,I make my circuit under thy shield,Thou Nuada of the white steed,And of the bright brilliant blade,Conqueror of the dragon,Be thou at my back,Thou rider of the storms,Thou warrior of the Tuatha, O Nuada the victorious, My pride and my guide, O Nuada…
Night of the Dragon Star
The night of the dragon starWas born the Il-danach,Of the Maiden of the hundred charms, The Great Mother. The Three eternal by her side,Upon the hillside cold and steep.Come and be gifted by the God Of all Arts and Crafts. The foam-white breastling beloved,Welcome in every house in…
On the feast day of Tailtiu the bountiful,Foster-mother of Lugh of the fields,I cut me a handful of the new corn,I dried it gently in the sun,I rubbed it sharply from the husk With mine own palms. I ground it in a quern on Friday,I baked it on a…
To Whom Shall I Offer Oblation
To whom shall I offer oblationIn name of the Leanan Sidhe?I will give some of my meansTo the forsaken illustrious Ones. Because of all that I have seen,Of thy magic and of thy mystery,Call my spirit unto thee, O Daughter of Manannan,Nor leave me ever. Remember me in great Belgata,Within…
Thou Spirit of Light who hast charge of me, From the fragrant Mother of all Nature, The gentle encompassing of thy Silver Circle To make round my spirit-shrine this night, Oh, round my spirit-shrine this night. Ward from me every distress and danger, Encircle my course over the ocean of…
The Spirit Shrine
Goddess, give charge to the blessed Sidhe, To keep guard around this stead tonight,A circle sacred, strong, and steadfast, That will preserve and contain this spirit-shrine. Safeguard, dear Goddess, this household tonight, Ourselves and our means and our fame,Deliver us from death, from distress, from harm, …