I am the warmth, I am the light,
I am the Child of this night.
I am the Son of the Great Mother,
Greeting you on hilltops facing east.
Noble and fair is the Maiden Mother Goddess,
Noble am I upon her young breast.
Sun of the Moon, Sun of the Stars,
I peep from the unhewn dolmen arch.
A pentagram upon each forehead,
I am in the door and in the window.
I shine upon the hills, I shine upon the strand,
I shine from deepest, blackest space.
I peep through a roofbox to light an altar stone,
Deep within the heart of an ancient tomb.
I dance upon the heelstone, to announce my return.
I shine along the holy roads of ancient power.
I am the eagle, soaring free,
Climbing into the vault of the noonday sky.