Home » A Pagan Carmina Gadelica » Lady Be With Us

Lady Be With Us

Lady be with us on this, Thy day,

Lady be with us on this, Thy night.

To us and with us on this, Thy day,

To us and with us on this, Thy night.

It is clear to be seen of us,
Since we are born into the world,
That we have recieved Thy blessing,

So mote it be!

Thy most precious blessing,
O Mother of us all,

So mote it be!

Grant us thy bounty,
Grant us thy continued bounty,

So mote it be!

Anything that is delightful to us,
Or that may be helpful to us,
Where we shall longest be,
Illume it to us,
Make it clear to us,
Bring it forth to us,
Bring to us our heart’s desire,
For this time and for all times,

So mote it be!