[the one who chants the blessing is called the ‘soul-friend’, and is
held is special affection by the friends of the dying person ever after]
Goddess, initiate this woman (man) into thy Grand Coven,
Remember the many blessings which she (he) in the body cast,
That we cannot this night enumerate.
The many blessings that she (he) in the body cast,
That we cannot this night enumerate.
Be this spirit to thy hand, O Lady,
Thou Queen of the realm of Faery,
So mote it be.
Since thou it was, O Lady, who did birth this spirit,
Be its peace in thine own keeping.
So mote it be.
And be the strong Nuada, high king of the Tuatha,
Preparing the path before this spirit, O Goddess.
So mote it be.
And be the strong Lugh coming to meet the spirit,
And leading it home, to the Land of the Ever-Living Ones.
So mote it be.