I am now going into the sleep,
Be it that I in health shall waken;
If passing be to me in the death-sleep,
Be it that with thy Wild Ride,
O God of the Hunt, I in gladdness shall waken,
Be it with thy hosting,
O Gwyn ap Nudd, that I in mirth shall waken.
Be my spirit as a circle of stars
Around your white neck, O Queen of Heaven;
Thou it was who gavest me the gift of life,
Thou it was who brought me from the Cauldron.
Encircle me this night, O Goddess,
That no harm, no evil shall befall.
Whilst my body is dwelling in the sleep,
My spirit is soaring in the shadow of Annwn,
Be the red-white Hounds guarding my spirit,
Early and late, night and day,
Early and late, night and day.
So mote it be.